
Get the best out of your team

With Planstack, collaboration on the project is even easier and more efficient. Gather all project stakeholders on one basis and make communication channels shorter.
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Functionality & Structure

Digitize your projects with Planstack - and amaze your client!

Together for success

The higher the transparency of information, the easier it is to collaborate with all stakeholders. With Planstack you involve all project participants.

Easy warranty

The more people involved, the more information needs to be documented. Planstack tracks all activities for you and stores the files automatically.

Integrated chat

Communication made easy

You have a question for the architect or want to ask the subcontractor for a quote? No problem - in the integrated chat you can quickly and easily get in touch with your project participants.

Kommunikation per Echtzeit-Messenger
Smartphone als gemeinsame Datenbasis
Task boards

Together for success

Thanks to our individual boards, you can work together with your colleagues on the tasks that arise. Benefit from our automated task distribution or assign the task yourself - you decide!

Clear view

Keep track of everything

Thanks to the clear presentation and precise documentation of the individual steps, you always maintain an overview and can react quickly. This not only reduces the error rate, but also increases your efficiency.

Reportings und Auswertungen

FAQ about collaboration

In order to guarantee a smooth collaboration process, it is essential that relevant information is easily accessible and transparently presented. This minimizes the risk of errors and achieves a high level of productivity.

Thanks to digital collaboration, every party involved in the construction is on the same level of knowledge and can work with the most up-to-date information. This reduces errors and saves money. In addition, you have complete documentation available after the project is completed.

Yes! You can integrate as many external partners as you want and collaborate with them on Planstack. This also means that you will not incur any additional costs.

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